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Four Seasons of Transformation

For the woman who wants to Live & Love from Her natural

Radiance, Embodiment, and Aligned Leadership.

Steph Yost's REAL-volution

It’s time for you to shine as you were designed.

You came to this life, at this time in history, for a reason.

If you are ready to step into the revolution of your own choosing, I am dedicated to help you radiate, embody and align with that reason.


You are a force of nature.

You are capable of experiencing the freedom and success you most desire right now.

You may be ready for

  • a rightful partnership or a new way to relate to those closest to you

  • more space to feel, think or just be, in the simple JOY of your sovereign self

  • knowing what you are designed to to, how you are designed to do it, while honoring your energy flows

  • transcending the self-rejection, overwhelm, shoulds or “have to be’s” that stop you in your tracks into a relaxed clarity and the confidence that comes when you know you are aligned on your path

  • living this life on your own behalf (yep - I said it, but I got this phrase from one of my mentors, Pali Summerlin). Living from your most natural self and experiencing the potential of your highest frequency.

Most of us have been taught to follow someone else’s way, which often includes the conditioning to believe we must subjugate our own needs and desires to everyone else around us, in the name of selfless service. Such misguided advice, usually based in fear (and all too often, domination), actually delays to your ability to bring your most aligned and natural service to anyone - least of all, to you!

Your REALvolution begins when you make the decision to claim what you came here to experience. It continues when you fully consider, and let the conditions of your life, lead the way instead of get in your way, as most of us have been conditioned to think!

This is where you naturally become the most fulfilled, and consequently, the highest service to the systems, beings, and conditions you were designed to serve.

This time in history is begging more of us to get REAL.

REALvolution - a commitment to become so fully and completely yourself that you bring the highest vibrational service, naturally, to the world around you.

Summer 2025 Quest - Embody to Lead

June 12 - July 17

Fall 2025 Quest - LEAd & RE-Align

September 11 - October 16

Winter 2025 Quest - ALIGN to Radiate

January 24 - February 27

Spring 2025 Quest - Radiate & Embody

April 11- May 22

REALvolution Quests also take into consideration your HUMAN DESIGN, which will reveal:

  1. How to create From the power of who you are - the trifecta of your emotional, Mental, and physical integrity.

  2. How you are designed to best manage your precious energy.

  3. the best strategy to make the most aligned decisions - for you and your purpose.

  4. what you are here to do in this lifetime and what you are here to learn.

  5. Where to place your focus to align with what you’re here to do.

The REALvolution fuels your current Heroine’s Journey with the required energy and support to move through your next big transition with your whole self beneath you - empowered, engaged, and shining with your true nature. To accomplish this, we utilize:

  • your story

  • your own human design,

  • nervous system regulation tools,

  • neurolinguistics,

  • systems theory,

  • emotional and energetic alignment techniques,

  • decades of coaching expertise focused on you and your current situation,

  • the power of a group

  • the inherent wisdom of each season,

  • real time astrology and it’s corresponding impact on our physical and emotional bodies,

Fully inhabiting the world you came here to enjoy, and in doing so, transform.

REAL Change is inevitable with the power combo of:

  • your personal goals and intentions,

  • your human body’s unique design,

  • your willingness to lovingly alchemize your shadowy spaces into glowing gifts,

  • the optimal balance of active solar and reflective lunar sessions that encourage and allow your full self to come out and play,

  • Steph’s decades of experience in coaching, consulting and quantum healing energetics.

Each season incorporates the core themes of the REALvolutionRadiance, Embodiment, Alignment, and Leadership—supporting both your personal growth and the evolution of your relationships.

Like your own journey, the REALvolution flows in a spiral, emphasizing different aspects of the path in each season. This means you're welcome to join at any point, confident that you'll be fully supported, no matter which theme of REAL resonates with you most in the moment.